In light of all the disasters that occur in the back country every year, one has to wonder why people don?t take precautions by adding a beacon to their outdoor equipment gear. Don?t let your outdoors fun end in tragedy! This simple device, for instance, is a great help in locating those unfortunate trekkers who have been buried by large avalanches or who are incapacitated in other ways, like finding themselves in personal danger in whiteouts or other horrendous weather conditions. It is called the ACR Microfix 406 GPS Personal Locator Beacon and it is instrumental in quickly alerting search and rescue teams to your location via GPS if you are seriously injured. The Microfix GPS transmits your coordinates within 100 meters radius, via the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system, with your registered, unique, digitally coded distress signal, which allows the authorities to identify you by name. It sends two types of signals, a digital (new standard) and an analog signal that is recognized by satellites and aircraft with the SAR Homing Frequency signal. It floats and its battery capacity is for 24 hours continuous use in -20c and 8 hours in -40c. The life span of the battery is 5 years and the whole unit can be stored with no adverse effects for 11 years. It transmits under water and is operational for 10 minutes submersed in 10 meters of water and 1 hour submersed in 5 meters of water. It only weighs 283 g (10 ounces) so it?s no hardship to slip it into your hiking gear backpack. It comes complete with a holster and lanyard, which can be removed for mounting it on a backpack, a belt or a life vest. This little item could save your life. Don?t you think you?re worth it?Source:
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